Month March 2023

Germany is a leader of EPMs this week

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe present our weekly rating of geos with the highest EPM. So, Germany is the first in this week’s rating. It’s EPM is $99. The second place goes to New Zealand ($97) and the third one is Canada with EPM… Continue Reading →

How “not to kill” CR by using a direct smartlink

Reading Time: 3 minutesToday we are gonna talk about what it means “smartlink” pre-landers and why it is crucial to use them together.  What a smartlink is  The smartlink is a tool that automatically selects the right offer for each user who clicks… Continue Reading →

Meet Finland as a leader of this week

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis week Finland has come first with EPM $101. Switzerland with EPM $99 has beсome the second one. The third one is Austria with EPM $97. Be the one who use it to get your profit. Just ping your manager… Continue Reading →

Canada is TOP geo this week

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis week Canada has become a leader of our ranking of geos with the highest EPM. Its EPM is $99. Norway and Finland are also in the top three. EPM in Norway is $98 and in Finland $97. Now you… Continue Reading →

Norway has the highest EPM this week

Reading Time: < 1 minuteOur weekly EPM ranking of this week is on the air! Traditionally, Norway has become a leader of geos with high EPM. This week EMP is $107. There is Austria with EPM $100 on the second place. The third one… Continue Reading →

Dating in the USA: geo review

Reading Time: 3 minutesOnline dating in the USA is a multibillion-dollar industry. Due to Statista, in 2022, the number of users of dating sites and apps in the USA was 50,1M, and they spent more than $23 bln. As Pew Research Center study says,… Continue Reading →

TOP EPMs of this week

Reading Time: < 1 minuteLet’s see a ranking of TOP countries with the highest EPM. This week Austria and Australia have entered our ranking of TOP performing geos again. EPM in Austria is $101, and in Australia EPM is $95. And the USA takes… Continue Reading →

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